Company Name Contact Info Location
Bakhmalsoy, Sayxunabad District, Syrdarya Region / / / UZBEKISTAN
Contact Info: +998 97 676 99 99
Hall: 4
Stand: 409
Product Groups
  • Cotton Yarns

POLYTEX SYRDARYO LLC was created by the decree of the measure of the Saykhunabad district of the Syrdarya region of November 18, 2019 No. 914. Created infostructures - Logistics center - Oil company - Base of fuel products - The basis of mineral fertilizers - Cotton ginnery - Science Center - Spinning factory. To date, the Poly Tex Syrdarya cotton and textile cluster has attracted about 500 billion soums of investments in a short period of time. As a result, in cooperation with Germany, Russia and China, a modern logistics center, an oil refinery, a fuel and mineral fertilizer base serving farms were built and commissioned. Until December of this year, one of the leading companies in Germany Trützschler GmbH & Co. The spinning mill, built in partnership with KG, went into operation and created over 2,000 new permanent jobs. On behalf of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a research center has been created in our society. The research center works in cooperation with the Institute of Cotton Growing, Soil Science, General and Inorganic Chemistry, the Tashkent Agrarian University and the Institute of Microbiology. In the same year, in cooperation with the Ministry of Innovation, 8 varieties of cotton, regionalized in the fields of our society, and 46 lines were sown. This allows the creation and selection of new varieties of cotton suitable for climatic and soil conditions. Based on the latest scientific achievements, 3 hydrometeorological centers were launched. We practiced spraying organic products with tractors and drones. Drip irrigation has been organized for about 1000 hectares of cotton fields.

Cotton yarnCotton yarn

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